Using shadow-cljs to compile React Native for iOS on GNU/Linux


In the previous post I described how to set-up and run an iOS simulator on Linux, using a VirtualBox with and MacOS image. We used Re-Natal as a cli tool to bootstrap the application.

In this post we will look into using shadow-cljs to compile a clojurescript codebase targeting React Native. I find this combo to give a much lighter and snappier workflow, there is also a huge advantage in being closer to the react and npm ecosystem.

Before we begin please make sure you have the following tools set up:

Integration Checkbox

  • on the host platform:
  • on the guest platform
    • socat
    • XCode

You can find all the instructions in this post.

Example project

I have created a very basic skeleton app which uses shadow-cljs to compile ClojureScript into JavaScript output, which then React Native turns into a native mobile code. You can find the full source code here.

Clone the project and make sure it is shared with the guest machine.

git clone

On the host machine

Lets start by installing all the dependencies:

yarn deps

Next start the shadow-cljs watcher:

yarn app:watch

Once it is done compiling, in a separate terminal window start the react-native packager (Metro):

yarn app:packager

It will occupy port 8081.

On the guest machine

Go to the guest machine running inside a VBox and use socat to start forwarding the port occupied by the Metro Bundler:

socat tcp-listen:8081,reuseaddr,fork tcp:

Now open the project in XCode and press Build and Run. Once it’s running use special +d to open developer menu on the simulator and make sure Live Reloading and Hot Reloading are both disabled:


If you edit the code on the host the changes are immediately reflected in the simulator running on the guest machine:



To connect a repl to the running project you can simply use M+x cider-connect in Emacs. Choose localhost and select the port, this will connect you to the clj REPL, from which you can get the cljs REPL with:

(shadow.cljs.devtools.api/nrepl-select :app)

Thanks for reading!

Written on July 11, 2019